The Township of Crescent is always seeking talented residents to volunteer to serve on its appointed boards, commissions and committees. Service on a board, commission or committee is an excellent way for citizens to become involved in local government and to promote a safe, healthy and vibrant community.
If you are interested in volunteering and serving your community, please complete and return a Volunteer Application to the Manager. Volunteer Applications can be dropped off, mailed or emailed to the Manager.
Civil Service Commission - 6 year term
Scott LaRocca, Chair 12/31/2026
Michael Chicora, Vice Chair 12/31/2026
Cassandra Donaldson, Secretary 12/31/2024
Dennis Lewis (Voting Alternate)
Brandon Valorie (Alternate)
Joseph Eckhardt (Alternate)
The Civil Service Commission is responsible for administering the Civil Service Examination to applicants for positions and promotion within the Police Department. It is also responsible for holding hearings in cases of dismissals or reduction in rank of police officers. The Commission is composed of three members appointed by Township Commissioners as well as one alternate voting delegate and two alternates.
The Civil Service Commission does not have regular meetings, but rather meets as needed.
Creswell Heights Joint Water Authority – 5 Year Term
Tammie Blake 12/31/2027
Renee Whiteman 12/31/2026
The Board is made up of seven members appointed by their respective township/borough.
The Authority Meetings are the Third Monday of every month at 7:00 pm at the Authority Office Building, 3961 Jordan St., South Heights, PA 15081.
Moon Township Municipal Authority – 5 Year Term
Cort Matey 12/31/2029
The Moon Township Municipal Authority (MTMA) was created in 1947. Township supervisors created the MTMA with the long-term goal of eventually owning and operating public water and wastewater systems in the area.
Today, the Moon Township Municipal Authority provides water, sewer and solid waste service to 8,500 water customers in Moon Township; 9,500 sewage customers in Moon, Crescent and South Heights; and 7,900 solid waste customers in Moon Township. MTMA also provides water and sewer service to the Greater Pittsburgh International Airport, Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve. In addition, it provides wholesale water service to portions of Findlay Township. MTMA also provides wholesale sewer service to major portions of Robinson, North Fayette and Findlay Townships.
Parks Board – 5 Year Term
Stacey VanOrder, Vice Chair 12/312025
Andrew Mazza, Chair 12/31/2025
Ann Matey, Secretary 12/31/2026
Dawn Moser, Tresurer 12/31/2027
Isabella Partaka 12/31/2029
David Partaka, 12/31/2028
Parks Board - Alternates
Arthur Buccigrossi
Brandon Valorie
Rich Withee
The Crescent Township Parks Board’s mission is to provide all residents with a safe and enjoyable experience for the many parks and pavilions the township has to offer. The volunteers are dedicated to assisting the Township Board of Commissioners to enhance the community's opportunities in fulfilling their needs. Advice and assistance on the development and wellbeing of parks in the Township is offered.
Current activities include: Spring Flower Sale, Annual Clean Up Day, Election Day Raffles, Luminaria Sale and Snowman Contest. Events and activities are always being planned!
Current Projects Include:
Shouse Park : New Fencing: New Dugouts?
The Parks Board meets the first Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm in the Multi-Purpose Room. All residents are encouraged to attend.
Planning Commission – 4 Year Term
James Koepfinger, Chair 12/31/2025
Julie Ziegler 12/31/2025
Bill Cook, Secretary 12/31/2026
Byron Oesterling 12/31/2026
Geno Rozzo 12/31/2027
The Planning Commission acts in an advisory capacity and makes recommendations to the Board of Commissioners on applications filed for Subdivision and Land Development, Zoning and changes to the Comprehensive Plan. Regular meetings of the Planning Commission are held on the last Wednesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at the Crescent Township Municipal Center.
Recreation Board -5 year term
Arthur Buccigrossi 12/31/2027
Viviana Elias Rodriguez 12/31/2027
Sheila Tierney 12/31/2026
Amy Ochs 12/31/29
Vacancy Board – 1 Year Term
Patience Eckhardt 12/31/2025
If the Board of Commissioners fails or neglects or is unable for any reason to fill a vacancy within the time frame specified by PA Law, the Vacancy Board appoints an official to the vacant office.
Uniform Construction Board of Appeals
Pa Uniform Construction Code (Code) requires that the Township have a Board of Appeals to hear such appeals, requests for variances, and requests for extensions of time as may be allowed under the said Code. Crescent is part of an Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement through the CharWest COG with seven other municipalities to form this Board. Meetings are held as needed to review applications involving special requests for exemptions from building and fire code requirements or to appeal a decision of the Building Code Official. Members of the Board of Appeals shall be qualified by training and experience to pass on matters pertaining to building construction or be licensed as an inspector, plan reviewer or in similar trade. The UCC Board of Appeals meets when there is a request from an applicant.
Valley Ambulance Board – 5 Year Term
Debbie Lewis 12/31/2027
Denny Lewis 12/31/2029
The Valley Ambulance Board is the operating authority responsible for management of the Valley Ambulance authority that serves Crescent Township and five other area municipalities.
Zoning Hearing Board – 3 Year Term
Dan Taylor 12/31/2024
Tim Palko, Vice Chair 12/31/2025
Linda Robertson 12/31/2026
Michael Witheral, Esq. Solicitor
The primary purpose of the Zoning Hearing Board is to help assure fair and equitable application and administration of the township’s Zoning Ordinance by hearing appeals on the Zoning Officer’s determinations and by granting relief from the literal enforcement of the Ordinance in certain hardship situations (variances, special exceptions, etc.).
Meetings are scheduled as appeals are received and are held at the Crescent Township Municipal Building.